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Page 12

  I groaned and was so close to begging when his finger joined his tongue. This time he found that bundle of aching nerves and caressed it. His tongue lapped at my pussy while he flicked and rubbed my clit. I wanted to scream “yes,” but my teeth were firmly clasped around my fist.

  A few moments later I could feel my body reaching for that peak of ecstasy, then Reb pulled away. I moaned at the loss.

  Before I could demand he stop screwing around, he thrust inside me until I felt his thighs rub against the back of mine. The momentum pushed us a few inches up the bed toward the headboard.

  Not that I minded.

  I finally had him right where I wanted him. I arched my neck and moaned. “Oh yes. Oh my God. Yes.”

  Reb quickly set a pace. His hands gripped my hips and drove me back as he thrust forward. Our bodies made a smacking sound with every plunge of his cock inside me. His piercing nudged my cervix deep inside me, and I saw stars. I couldn’t stop the grunts and groans that left my mouth. I’d never been one for dirty talk but I didn’t seem to be able to control myself.

  “Oh God. Oh Reb. Fuck me. Right there. Fuck me, baby. Oh God, Reb. Fuck me harder.”

  Smack. His hand popped me harder than ever before on my fleshy outer thigh. And I loved it.

  “Nothin’ fucking hotter than a dirty-talkin’ good girl. You gonna be a bad girl for me, baby?”

  I dropped my head to the bed and groaned as I pushed back into his thrusts.

  Smack. “That was fucking hot, but not the answer I was lookin’ for.”

  “Oh God. Oh Reb.” My body built toward release, and I couldn’t think. I knew he wanted something but I didn’t have enough brainpower to work out what it was. I only knew I didn’t want him to stop.

  Smack. “Still not it. I’m starting to think you’re not listenin’, baby.” Reb slowed down until he was just barely inside me. Those deep, grinding thrusts gone.

  I whimpered. I’d been so close.

  Reb thrust deep one more time, and I cried out. But instead of his hard, driving pace, he held himself still. I heard a slight sucking sound, and then he spoke. “All I want to hear is a yes. Or a yes, sir, if you’re feeling particularly agreeable. So what’s it gonna be, baby?”

  “Y-y-y-yes-s-s-s—” I broke off in a hiss as I felt a deft finger probing me from behind. It snaked around where we joined, then darted up and pressed gently against my asshole. I couldn’t help the tension that swept over my body. Which only made me clench harder around Reb’s large cock.

  “Ah baby, you can’t do that. I’m gonna fucking lose it if you grip me any tighter. And where’s the fun in that?”

  I groaned. “Where’s the fun in what you’re doing?”

  Reb chuckled darkly. “You’re gonna see in a second.”

  His finger continued to tease my opening, barely pushing against it before retreating. After a few moments of this, his hips began to rock against mine. Advance. Retreat. Advance. Retreat. It didn’t take many thrusts before I was arching back into him. I wanted it. I wanted him, however he was willing to give it to me.

  The duo of thrusts blended until I felt achingly full. His tempo sped up and the slapping sound of our bodies filled the room again.

  “Oh God. Oh Reb. Please. Please don’t stop. I’m almost—” I dropped down to my shoulders and reached back with one hand so I could touch my clit. My fingers brushed over my clit and came in contact with his swinging balls.

  “Oh baby, that’s too much. I can’t—”

  The walls echoed with the mixture of both our groans. My body shuddered as my orgasm slammed into me. Reb’s left hand bit into my hip as he shouted his release. Sinking into the bed, I groaned as my nipples came into contact with the sheets and caused a round of aftershocks that shook my body.

  Reb followed me down. He kissed the center of my back—which caused another aftershock, the bastard—then slowly withdrew. He collapsed on his back next to me and groaned. “Fucking you is gonna kill me.”

  I huffed with laughter. That small amount of effort exhausted me. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “Didn’t mean it any other way, sunshine.” Reb pushed up from the bed with a huff. He pinched the condom at the base of his cock. “I gotta take care of this. Be back in a sec.”

  I tried not to watch his comical wide-legged walk to the adjoining bathroom, but I couldn’t help myself. Aside from the humor factor, it was an awesome display of flexing muscle and tattoos. He closed the door behind him, and I snuggled into the pillow.

  Unlike our first time together when I’d been plagued by doubts and questions, this time I didn’t question my place in his bed. I knew it was where I belonged. I was happy here. But then a thought occurred to me—we’d been loud. Like call-the-cops-I-think-he’s-killing-her loud.

  And Tucker was home.

  Supposedly sleeping in his bed on the other side of the hallway. I really doubted anyone could sleep through all that sound we’d made.

  Oh God. Oh no.

  There was no way I was popping into the kitchen for breakfast tomorrow morning. Maybe I’d just make camp here in Reb’s bedroom and never leave. I’d have to have my mail forwarded, but other than that I didn’t see any drawbacks. Because I sure as hell wasn’t leaving this room.

  “Ah no. What’s wrong now?”

  I blinked and looked into Reb’s concerned face in front of me.

  “Do you think Tucker heard us?” I whispered like it would make a difference now.

  Reb just laughed as he nudged me toward my side of the bed.

  “Reb! That’s not an answer! I can’t face him. Oh my God. He had to’ve heard us.” I dropped my voice into a soft whisper again. “How could he not?”

  “You worry enough for twelve people, sunshine. Relax. I told you he was a deep sleeper.”

  “I really doubt anyone could sleep through that. We were loud. And you spanked me.”

  “Mmmmm, yeah. Fuck, that was hot.”


  His laughter shook the bed. “Relax, baby. The room’s soundproof and the door’s locked. We’re fine.”

  “Reb!” This time I was loud for a different reason. “Why didn’t you tell me? And that whole game yesterday—why would you put me through that?”

  “Because it’s hot. You’re amazing as fuck when you’re turned on. Times that by a thousand when you’re horny and worried. What can I say? I’m a sadistic bastard.”

  “Ugh.” I put some space between us and crossed my arms. I tried to act like I was angry but really I was relieved. Plus Reb wouldn’t let me put any distance between us for long.

  He grabbed my arm and tugged me across the few inches until I was nestled in his arms. I gave up the fight and nuzzled my face against his chest.

  “You’re still a jerk.”

  “Yeah, but I’m your jerk.”

  I smiled and burrowed deeper in his arms. After a few minutes, my body felt boneless, and I was inches from sleep when a thought occurred to me that I couldn’t let go of. It circled my head and bugged me until I had to know.

  “Is it always like that with you?”

  Reb groaned and sank into his pillow. “Am I always a jerk? Sometimes. When I wanna be. Sometimes I’m an asshole, too.”

  “No. I mean sex. Is it always like that for you?”

  Reb rolled onto his back and put his left hand behind his head. The other stayed wrapped around me. “I dunno. Sometimes. How do you mean?”

  “I, uh, haven’t been with a ton of guys. Just the one long-term abusive relationship and another awkward one-night thing. But it’s never been like this for me. So I don’t know. I guess I’m wondering if I’ve been dating the wrong kinda guy, or if it’s just you.”

  “Yes and yes.”

  “Reb, come on. Be serious.” Something about the dark room made me feel brave, or maybe that had something to do with the amazing orgasm I just had. I felt like I could conquer anything. Or at least have a genuine conversation.

  “Okay, so we’
re doing the whole naked vulnerable thing? Let me get my guitar out…”

  “Never mind.” I rolled away from him with a huff and closed my eyes. I should’ve known better than to think he was ready for the deep, dark secret portion of the relationship. Wait, did we even have a relationship? Where did that thought come from? Why couldn’t I turn off my brain? See, this was the danger of amazing orgasms with hot bad boys. It made me think too much.

  “Ah, come on, baby. Don’t go to sleep mad.”

  “What? I’m not mad. I just…I don’t know. I can’t turn my brain off.”

  Silence sank between us along with an awkward tension. At least on my part; I was pretty sure he’d fallen asleep. But not me. No, my mind was still twirling with thoughts. Like how did I end up in bed with a biker? And how many women had Reb been with? Was I just one of the masses? Why did I put myself through this pointless, mental agony? And then Reb spoke.

  “I guess it was at first with Rhonda.”

  I startled but decided to stay quiet so that he would continue.

  “I fucked around a lot before I met her, but it was never anything amazing. Never anything that made me wanna give up the buffet of women that comes with this life.”

  “And then you met Rhonda.”

  “Yeah, and it was different. Everything was so intense. She was intense. The sex was insane. And it was a wild few years. Amazing sex, partying every night, drinking, getting high—we were living the life.”

  Didn’t sound like any life I wanted, at least not after the way I grew up. Plus that wasn’t the Reb I knew. I had a hard time aligning the two different versions of him in my mind. “So what went wrong?”

  “You can’t live that life forever. First Zag came to live with us when he was, like, sixteen, and then Rhonda got pregnant. You kinda grow up real fast when you got a kid depending on you.”

  I thought of my childhood and all the hungry nights, false promises, and neglect. “Or at least you should.”

  “Yeah, that was kinda the problem. I grew up, and she didn’t. Crazy is awesome when it’s just two people. It’s fucking whacked when it’s happening in front of your kid. I waited for her to grow up, but it wasn’t happening, so I kicked her out.”

  “And then you went back on your no-strings-sex binge?” What man wouldn’t?

  “Something like that. On the nights I didn’t have Tucker. But it didn’t take me long to realize how empty all those hookups were.”

  “Just long enough to get some new hardware,” I teased, nodding at the sheet covering his crotch.

  Reb chuckled. “A souvenir. And now a reminder of how empty my life was before. That I needed the stimulation from a piercing to have sex half as hot as what we just did. Because hooking up like that was so fucking empty.”

  It shouldn’t have struck me as so sweet—he was talking about other women while I was in his bed, after all—but I loved what he said. I was different. What we had was different. Better. His words warmed me more than the heat being generated from his large body.

  I snuggled close to his side, and just as I was drifting away to sleep I heard him mutter, “And I’m never fucking letting you go.”

  Chapter 14



  Reb surveyed the crew standing around his porch. The whole executive board had assembled to go over their plans for striking back at those fucking Tramps. It’d taken a hell of a lot of patience on his part, but two weeks after they tore his house to hell, he was finally gonna get his revenge. Reb patted the cigar waiting in his vest pocket. He couldn’t wait to light it up to celebrate.

  “I think we should have at least one more guy watching the crossroad.” Zag scratched absently at his long sideburns. “That intersection is wide open for any fucking tourist to wander in.”

  “It’s Hot August Nights,” Axle retorted. He leaned back against the house in a seemingly disinterested sprawl, but his eyes glinted in the evening light. “Any tourists in town will be gawking at the classic cars or whatever bullshit show the city’s got going tonight. That’s what makes tonight the perfect night to pull this off.”

  “Plus the fucking pigs will be downtown and not out in the sticks,” Bumper threw in.

  “I think three guys watching the crossroad is plenty.” Reb pushed away from the porch railing and sent a hard look Zag’s way. “As long as none of them are prospects. This isn’t a job for the untested boys.”

  Zag’s jaw flexed as he swallowed whatever he really wanted to say. He nodded tightly and kept his mouth shut.

  Reb had to hide his grin. His buddy was so fucking easy to needle. “So we good? Any other concerns?” Reb paused, but no one spoke up. “Okay. Then we have our plan in place. And remind everyone to ditch their burner phones tomorrow. We don’t need anything to link us to cellphone towers or whatever other fucking CSI shit they can trace to us. New numbers, new phones tomorrow.”

  The guys all nodded. They knew the drill, but that never stopped Reb from reminding them.

  “All right. We’ll meet back at the clubhouse after. Everyone get to their posts. We’re gonna fry us some Tramp property tonight. For Digs and Oiler!”

  The boys grunted their approval. It’d been three years since the battle that had taken the lives of Digs and Oiler, but no one forgot a fallen Brother. After a few backslaps, the revving of bikes shook Reb’s house. He stood on his front porch steps and watched his crew race into the night. They were on their way to stake out the Tramps’ stash house. He’d follow in a few hours, once it got dark enough, and Tucker was safe asleep.

  An hour later Emily arrived and Reb spent the next few hours cuddling with her and Tucker on the couch as they watched a fucking horrible movie—something about trolls and talking trees? Reb couldn’t concentrate on the complex plot. He kept glancing over at the newly replaced bay window and his freshly painted walls. His blood boiled at the reminder of what those fucks had done to his house, the place where his kid deserved to feel safe. He’d make sure those bastards felt his wrath.

  It was all he could do to hold it together as they went through the usual nightly rituals of dessert, bedtime whining, and teeth brushing. But soon enough, Tucker was fast asleep in bed and Reb had Emily all to himself.

  He was itching to leave, and it didn’t help that she was looking at him with her trademark sweet but tentative expression. He’d like nothing more than to rumple her until she had that just-fucked glow. Mmmm, maybe later. Who was he kidding? Definitely later.

  He led the way down the hall and back into the living room. They needed to get as far away from horizontal surfaces as possible if Reb stood a chance of leaving the house tonight. Emily moved toward the new couches again, and he groaned. If he wasn’t careful she’d be naked and screaming his name in two minutes. Reb grabbed her by the hand and tugged until he had her body flush against his. The television murmured in the background, but he still wasn’t paying attention. He buried a hand in her long blond hair, then used his hold to tip her head back to meet his eyes. “I need you to stay tonight. I gotta ride out with the boys in a few and I want you to watch Tucker.”

  “But…” Emily’s brow wrinkled in confusion. “I thought we were going to—”

  Reb growled and brushed his lips against her forehead. Fuck me. She wasn’t making this any easier. “We will. Later. First I gotta take care of some business.”

  “Is that smart?” Emily shook her head slightly. “I mean, with the custody case and everything? You could jeopardize your chances of getting Tucker.”

  All the gentleness left Reb. He stared down at her with hard eyes. “Do. Not. Question. My. Business.”

  Emily shrank away from him and a small whimper spilled from her lips. She moved to step back, so Reb dropped his hold on her.

  He held his hands out, palms up. “I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to scare you. I just—” Reb scrubbed a hand over his buzzed head. “Fuck. There’s a line. And you have no part of club business. You don’t get a vote. Your opinion does
n’t matter there. That’s what this life with me is. You need to get that. There’s no discussion.”

  Emily looked warily up at him from her stance five feet away. She’d put the distance between them the second he’d let her go. It burned that she thought she needed it to feel safer with him—that she needed to be away from him. And then she put it into words. “I think I should go home. You can get someone else to watch Tucker for you.”

  “Fine. I don’t have time for this bullshit right now. I’ll call Brittany.” Reb crossed the room, opened the front door, and yelled into the night, “Tank! Get in here.”

  Emily looked between him and the open door. “Wait, you had someone just waiting outside?”

  “There’s always someone watching the house.”

  A second later Tank loomed in the open doorway, his muscular frame dominating the space. Emily’s gaze darted from Reb to the silent hulking figure in the doorway. Reb could read the indecision all over her face, but he didn’t want to be the one to tip her one way or the other. If she wanted to stay, it had to be her decision. She had to accept all that being with him demanded.

  After a beat she shook her head no, and Reb’s heart stuttered in his chest. Shit. Then she spoke.

  “I’ll stay.”

  Reb wanted to pound his chest in triumph. She fucking chose him. Damn, he felt good. Like he could slay dragons single-handedly. A shit-eating grin spread across his lips. He’d love to be able to make her feel just as fucking good for choosing him, but he didn’t have time. He needed to be across town ten minutes ago.

  She must’ve seen his elation or something, because she shook her head again. “I’m staying for Tucker. We will finish this discussion later.”

  The discussion was over, but Reb decided to play it smart and not bait her with that information. Because no matter how much she protested, this was one subject he would never budge on. There was nothing to discuss when it came to club business.